Are you dealing with a toxic co-parent and struggling navigating a contentious custody battle?

You are not meant to do this alone

With Onyx Arrow Consulting you are provided coaching by a certified high-conflict divorce coach, strategic guidance throughout your family court journey, assistance in documenting your case, negotiation tools, empowerment and validation.

Whether you are looking to escape your abusive relationship, or already entered Family Court and experiencing post separation abuse, I know just how complex everyone’s situations are and quickly things can change. As a victim of domestic violence and forced into Family Court with my abuser, I lacked support, guidance, and understanding.. After I became certified in high conflict divorce and custody, combined with multiple degrees in the legal field I realized many need assistance that is not yet provided to them. This is why I have created digital courses to help with just about every aspect of your journey. I truly believe it is not a law degree or psychology degree that makes you qualified to understand the abuse- the experts are the victims.

Let’s join together in every step of your journey.

What can you expect to learn

Detailed Strategy

The reality is, you cannot work with emotions and think this will be a simple solution- regardless as to which step in the process you are in. You need strategy.

Empower yourself

Empower yourself with education, tools, and plans. Find ways to not be manipulated by your ex, court professionals, and the system.


Whether you are escaping, navigating family court, navigating strategically communicating with your co-parent or healing, none of this is linear. You will need guidance along the way.


Your abuser thrives off of chaos and confusion. By creating clarity within yourself, you are then able to provide clarity for the courts and gain the opportunity for a more favorable outcome.

Fueling your fire

Your abuser was great at diminishing your flame and taking your identity away. It is time to fuel your fire, and prepare yourself for battle.

Educate yourself

Oftentimes I see court professionals giving little to no education to their clients, leaving their clients unprepared and lost. By working together you will feel more prepared, empowered, and educated.

What people are saying

“I have a therapist and a lawyer, but Tori is something special. The mutual experience is invaluable.”

— Anonymous

“Having Tori in my corner is like having someone arm you for battle with all the right “weapons” to fight for you and your kids.”

— Anonymous

“This feels a little early to be posting a testimonial, but I had a single intro session with Tori, and within 4 hours of the appointment I had figured out things that changed the entire course of a deposition... which my attorney and I had been researching in preparation for since December 2022.

— Anonymous

“Tori is literally saving my life. Without her guidance I would not have been as confident or strong in navigating police, court, lawyers, you name it.”

— Anonymous

“Tori has such an intense personal experience and is truly invested in my case. I don’t know what I would do without her, you don’t know it yet, but you need her too! I wish I could shout this from the rooftops!”

— Anonymous

“I’ve met with Tori about 4 times now, 3 one on one and 1 group session, I have been following her for awhile. I am so thankful for this group of people and for Tori’s help during a hard time in me and my kids life. Having the connections and relationships with everyone I’ve met in this process has been one of the best experiences, I’ve been able to vent about my frustrations… But I’ve also been able to understand better how to navigate the system and how to format a court document on my own!”

— Anonymous

You have to be your loudest advocate