You and your children’s safety is my priority.
If you are considering leaving your abuser, or have already left your abuser, and lost on where to start let me be your guiding light. So many victims of domestic violence are forced to co-parent with their abuser with little to no resources on how to navigate this journey for their child. Let me help you find safety, create tools in your new journey, and be your support system. Let’s start by removing yourself from the conflict and create a better mindset so that you can safely and strategically navigate your family court journey
As a survivor of domestic violence, I am familiar with the fog that surrounds us. It’s time to sift through the fog and allow your voice to be heard. I am here to help empower you, hold your hand, and allow your light to shine brighter than you ever knew it could. You can get out SAFELY.

Hi, I’m Tori
During a toxic relationship and engagement, I thought I was the problem so I attempted several tools for the sake of the relationship. I found a therapist for us (as well as myself), relationship counseling, and I attended a women’s group for relationships. I was lost and did not feel like myself. He would not let me work because he would not care for the children, I was unable to attend a women’s only gym because he considered it “going out with friends”, would not share his income for our family so him paying for daycare for me to work was not an option, and I was forced to listen to negative comments about me and my children from his family. In 2018, while my last living parent was on hospice, I finally chose my own family over him and his. I left to care for my dying father.
The threats started. He threatened to destroy my property while I was my father’s hospice nurse, changed the alarm code on the house so it made it difficult to collect my own belongings, if I was allowed in the home he would stand in doorways and beg me back, and he hacked into my icloud to message every guy friend calling me names and convincing them to not talk to me on any level.
It was enough for me to file a TRO which I was later coerced to drop because I did not have the funds like he did.
After my father passed away from his cancer, I became homeless with no assistance and with no idea on how to navigate my new reality. I was unsure on how to be alone while also providing housing for my children, and struggling so hard I leaned on the wrong person for help. In 2019 I became pregnant again, but had no idea my partner was a functioning addict. After announcing to him I was pregnant and would not be having an abortion (per his request), he became verbally, emotionally, and financially abusive. His addiction ramped up as well.
I gained every ounce of courage and filed a restraining order weeks before the pandemic. I gave birth to our child, alone, in the pandemic.
2020 I finally chose myself. Even though I became a single mother of multiples, with little to no family help, and little to no child support, I invested in returning to school for my children’s future. Within 2 years I have obtained 2 legal degrees and multiple certifications within the family law realm. My goal now is to help others navigate the same roads I once walked.
I have been where you are and I believe you can get out.
If you have decided to leave a toxic relationship, let me help guide you, safely, out of the fog and into a brighter life.
How I Can Help You
Document Preparation
Safe Exit Plan Creation
Strategic Communication with High Conflict Co-Parent

I believe the experts are the victims

Why work with a high conflict coach?
While navigating through a situation with a high conflict individual it is extremely important to approach it strategically while also being able to present yourself in the best light possible.
Working with a high conflict coach can lower your legal costs and get you closer to your goal.
Having the right team by your side during the entire process is key. Book now and learn how to master the art of strategic communication to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.